Mur des Canuts tickets & tours

Tour de áudio do distrito de La Croix-Rousse em Lyon no seu smartphone
Explore La Croix-Rousse em Lyon com o aplicativo Rewind em seu smartphone. Descubra este bairro histórico em uma excursão autoguiada por ruas de paralelepípedos e passagens secretas.
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Um pouco da história
Get ready to discover one of Europe’s largest murals: the Mur des Canuts. This colossal display of public art measures a whopping 1,200 m² and depicts a scene of daily life typically seen in Lyon's La Croixe-Rousse neighbourhood.
The Mur des Canuts is one of the first and most famous murals created by Lyon’s CitéCréation art collective. Besides its impressive size, the mural contains countless intricate details that were painstakingly painted to the back of the building.