Museum of Communism tickets & tours

Ingresso para o Museu do Comunismo em Praga
Reserve seu ingresso para o Museu do Comunismo em Praga e entenda como era a vida cotidiana na Tchecoslováquia da era comunista.
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Passeio a pé pelo comunismo e a Segunda Guerra Mundial e ingresso em Praga
Aprenda sobre o passado da República Tcheca durante esta excursão a pé histórica em Praga. Visite o Museu do Comunismo com um guia.
Principais atrações em Praga
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Um pouco da história
Propaganda, censorship, interrogation, and surveillance — all of this and more was widespread in Czechoslovakia during the 1948-1989 Communist rule. If you’re looking for a window into how daily life looked in Czechoslovakia during those dire times, look no further than the Museum of Communism in Prague, Czech Republic. The Museum of Communism provides an insightful depiction of the totalitarian regime that controlled the country after World War II until the Velvet Revolution.
In the museum’s 1,500 square metres of exhibition space, you’ll get a glimpse past the Iron Curtain to see what reality was really like for those living in the area at the time. Through old photographs, posters, historical documents, short videos, and other artefacts, the Museum of Communism reveals how those residing in Czechoslovakia were subjected to house searches, privacy invasions, corruption, exploitation, and imprisonment for non-compliance.