Tabarca Island

Hin- und Rückfahrtticket zur Insel Tabarca mit Taxiboot
Entdecken Sie einen einzigartigen Ausflug zur wundervollen Isla de Tabarca, probieren Sie den berühmten Caldero Tabarquino und erkunden Sie die idyllische Landschaft der Insel.
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Schnorchelausflug zur Insel Tabarca ab Santa Pola
Entdecken Sie das Meeresleben des Naturschutzgebiets der Insel Tabarca auf dieser Bootstour ab Santa Pola, inklusive der gesamten Ausrüstung!
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Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, bei diesem Taucherlebnis ab Santa Pola mit einem erfahrenen Tauchlehrer den Meeresboden zu erkunden!
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Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Tiny Tabarca Island is just a 20-minute boat ride from the Alicante mainland, but it feels like a journey to another era. For starters, there are no cars but everything else about Tabarca exudes rusticness. The islet is divided in two by a narrow isthmus which doubles as a beach. West of the isthmus is walled Tabarca town, where the island’s 50 or so inhabitants live, and to the east is an expanse of bushes and cactus punctured only by an old prison and lighthouse.
You can stroll along the nine streets and two squares, popping into bars and cafés, and savour the atmosphere. The sea-facing ramparts by the dinky baroque church are also walkable. Overall, a walk from tip to tip takes about half an hour – so it’s as doable as it is enjoyable. Snorkelling in the clear waters is popular in the less crowded coves. And no visit would be complete without sampling some of the islet’s famed seafood restaurants. Tabarca makes for great day trip from Alicante, with ferries departing from Santa Pola.