Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam tickets & tours

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Highlights in Amsterdam
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Take a stroll through Amsterdam’s Jewish Cultural Quarter and you’ll undoubtedly come across the Portuguese Synagogue of Amsterdam. Also known as the Esnoga — meaning synagogue in the Judaeo-Spanish language of Sephardi Jews — Amsterdam’s Portuguese Synagogue finished construction in 1675, making it one of the oldest synagogues in Europe.
At the time of completion, the Portuguese Synagogue was the largest synagogue in the world. In present times, it’s still actively used for worship and as a public tourist attraction. The well-preserved building has largely survived the effects of war and the interior looks exactly the same as it did in the 17th century. Within the synagogue, you’ll find the world’s oldest functioning Jewish library, the Ets Haim Livraria Montezinos.