World of Coca-Cola tours and tickets

Entdecken Sie Atlantas Highlights zu günstigen Preisen mit praktischen mobilen Tickets. Sparen Sie 44 % beim Prepaid-Eintritt für 5 unverzichtbare Attraktionen.

90-minütige Trolley-Tour durch Atlanta
Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die Sehenswürdigkeiten zu entdecken und die Stadt Atlanta auf einer vollständig kommentierten Tour kennenzulernen!
Highlights in Atlanta
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Step inside the home of Coca-Cola and dive into the past and present of this beloved drink. Boasting a number of interactive exhibits, opportunities to dive into the incredible history of the iconic company and brands, as well as over 100 different beverages to sample from around the globe – this experience is a must-see for all Coca-Cola lovers.
Head inside the Loft to see approximately 200 international artefacts following Coca-Cola’s long history and see where the secret recipe is hidden at the Vault. Take a break and enjoy a multi-sensory movie experience in the 3D theatre. World of Coca-Cola will show you over 135 years of advertising campaigns and don’t miss out on some tasting. There’s over 100 different drinks in the Taste It! Beverage Lounge. Be sure to take a photo with the famous 7-foot-tall Coca-Cola Polar Bear.