German Football Museum tickets

Deutsches Fußballmuseum Eintrittskarten
Erleben Sie Fußballgeschichte hautnah im Deutschen Fußballmuseum in Dortmund. Betrachten Sie zahlreiche Exponate und meistern Sie sportliche Herausforderungen.
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Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Get stuck into the game at the German Football Museum – delving into over 140 years of rich football legacy. Feel the thrill of the 3D cinema, watch the 360° Bundesliga Show and World Cup journeys on a giant video ball. Marvel at the Treasury’s World Cup trophies and mingle with superstar players in the Hall of Fame. With over 1,600 exhibits and immersive footage, the museum is a football fan's dream. Test your skills in interactive zones: from goal-scoring challenges to virtual puzzles and commentating stints. Why not round off the day with a meal at the museum restaurant.