Bottle Distillery in Eindhoven

Bottle Distillery Tour mit Verkostung
Nehmen Sie an einer vollständig geführten Tour mit einem Brennmeister teil und entdecken Sie den Produktionsprozess der preisgekrönten Spirituosen der Flaschenbrennerei. Erfahren Sie alles über Rum, Gin, Bierbrand, Likör und Wodka.
Highlights in Eindhoven
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Bottle Distillery is located in Eindhoven at the Milk Reception on De Caai, the former Campina site. The milk used to be delivered in this building. At the beginning with horse and carriage, later with large tankers. You can see the imprints of the former use in this monumental building.
Bottle Distillery traditionally distills gin, rum, vodka, beer brandy, and liqueurs. The distillation takes time. This is due to the fact that all processes are carried out manually and local raw materials are used. This allows to continuously monitor the quality.