Galicia Jewish Museum tickets

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Tickets ohne Anstehen für das Jüdische Museum Galicja
Überspringen Sie die Warteschlange und besuchen Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts in Krakau eine Fotoausstellung im Jüdischen Museum Galicja.
Highlights in Krakau
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
The Galicia Jewish Museum, located in the historic Jewish district of Kazimierz in Kraków, Poland, is a photo exhibition documenting the remnants of Jewish culture and life in Polish Galicia. Established in April 2004 by the British photojournalist Chris Schwarz and Professor Jonathan Webber of UNESCO, it was born to celebrate the Jewish culture of the Polish Galicia and commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in Poland.
The museum provides opportunities for groups to meet with local recipients of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations Awards as well as Holocaust and concentration camp survivors. The museum's education center offers in addition, workshops, lectures, and seminars on Jewish religion and culture and the Holocaust for different age groups.