Archaeological Museum of Madrid

Madrid: Panoramatour im Doppeldeckerbus mit Audioguide
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Highlights in Madrid
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
From ancient weapons to sacred jewellery and everything in between – prepare to step back in time to ancient civilizations at Madrid’s Archaeological Museum. The intricate details and lifelike features of the sculptures in the Iberian Sculpture Gallery have the wow factor and here you’ll be able to find one of the most famous objects on display, the Lady of Elche.
Explore the tombs, sarcophagi and hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt as well as beautiful Roman mosaics. Another top item the museum boasts is the Treasure of Guarrazar. The intricate goldwork and precious stones of the six crowns are breathtaking. You’ll also be able to visit the Medieval Spain Gallery which showcases swords, armour and religious art. Take your time soaking up the past and learning about the items on display.