Riga Central Market tours & tickets

Besichtigungstour durch Riga auf dem Kanal mit dem Boot
Bewundern Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Riga bei einer Kreuzfahrt auf dem Stadtkanal und dem Fluss Daugava.
en, de, ru
Highlights in Riga
Das könnte Sie ebenfalls interessieren
Immerse yourselves in local life and discover Latvian-grown and homemade products at the biggest market in Europe in Riga. With over 80,000 visitors per day, you’ll have to come and see what all the fuss is about! Five pavilions that were originally used as military hangars make up the structure of the market (each with its own theme) from fish, vegetables, dairy, meat, local jams, farm products and more. It will be hard not to get lost wondering about the enormous space which you could spend hours in. Some of the stall owners might even let you try something!