Fontevraud Abbey tickets

Ticket ohne Anstehen für die Abtei Fontevraud
Buchen Sie Ihre Tickets ohne Anstehen für die Abtei Fontevraud, die zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört, und wandeln Sie auf den Spuren von Eleonore von Aquitanien!
The Royal Abbey of Our Lady of Fontevraud is one of the largest monastic cities from the Middle Ages. Situated in a green valley by the Loire River, the Abbey was founded in 1101 by the itinerant preacher Robert of Arbrissel. Listed as a Historic Monument in 1840, the Abbey is also recognized, together with the whole Loire Valley, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.
Throughout the centuries, it hosted members of the monastic Order of Fontevraud, a mixed community of both men and women, it became the home of the Queen of France Eleanor of Aquitaine, and it was turned in 1801 into one of the toughest prisons of France.