Seascope submarine cruise from Sharm El Sheikh

Seascope submarine cruise from Sharm El Sheikh

Kostenlose Stornierung
Sprachen: Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch, Arabisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Polnisch
Digitale Tickets
Dauer: 3 Stunden
  • Enjoy cruising in a semi-submerged vessel that has a viewing platform with large windows below the water level
  • Observe the multi-colored wonderland of the Red Sea including blue-spotted stingrays, emperor angelfish and more
  • Relax and soak up the sun on the boat's main deck before you are transferred back to your hotel

Witness the watery wonders of the coral reefs, the glittering array of colourful fish and sea rays – without even having to get your feet wet.

You'll be picked up from your hotel and transferred to the harbour from where you'll set sail on your voyage of discovery.

The Royal Seascope will then glide right up to the reefs teeming with marine life, which you'll be able to view through the panoramic windows. This kaleidoscopic cruise will last for about 90 minutes for you to see blue-spotted stingrays, emperor angelfish, coral grouper, and clownfish. If you feel like relaxing a bit, the main deck is ideal for soaking up the sun's rays.

After the cruise, you'll return to the harbour and be dropped off at your hotel.

Mehr erfahren
  • check Eintrittsgebühren
  • check Führung
  • check Wasser
  • check Transfer in klimatisiertem Fahrzeug
  • check Hotel Hin- und Rücktransfer
  • check Versicherung

Seascope Semi Submarine, Magles El Madina St.، UMM EL SID HILL، Sharm Al Shiekh, Egypt

If you select the option without pickup, please arrive at Sea Scope Marina next to Sharm El Sheikh Old Market at 10:30 am and present your digital voucher to the representative of the local tour operator. If you select the option with pickup, the local operator will confirm with you the pickup time 24 hours before the experience starts. Please provide your hotel name and address at checkout.
Wichtige Informationen

Know in advance:

  • Infants (age 0-5) can join this tour for free
  • Tour duration and pickup time are subject to change due to operating conditions and hotel location

Remember to bring:

  • Your passport, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, cameras, bottles of water
  • It's recommended to wear a casual outfit
Mehr erfahren
Travco Group for Tourism
Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Gebühren im Falle einer Buchung an.
Sie erhalten eine Erstattung in Höhe von 100%, wenn Sie bis zu 24 Stunden vor Ihrem Erlebnis stornieren.

Was andere Leute über dieses Erlebnis sagen


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