Calouste Gulbenkian Museum tickets & tours

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Entradas para el Museo Calouste Gulbenkian y el Centro de Arte Moderna
Compra tus entradas sin colas para el Museo Gulbenkian y descubre 5.000 años de historia a través de una rica colección que abarca desde antigüedades hasta artes decorativas.
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 pt

Entradas al Museo Calouste Gulbenkian y al Centro de Arte Moderna con audioguía de Lisboa
Descubra una colección de obras que abarcan 5.000 años de historia, admire las joyas del famoso artista René Lalique y conozca interesantes historias sobre Lisboa.
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 pt
Las mejores atracciones en Lisboa
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Un poco de historia
The extensive and eclectic collection housed in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum was amassed by Calouste Gulbenkian throughout his lifetime. Gulbenkian was a British-Armenian businessman, born in Istanbul in 1869, who lived an eventful life in Baku, London, Paris, Marseille and Lisbon. He was well-educated and worked in the field of oil exploration and extraction, which made him extremely wealthy. Gulbenkian was also a philanthropist, helping charitable organisations and establishing many hospitals and schools during his lifetime.
His legacy is the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which was created after his death at his bequest. The foundation promotes and supports the arts, education and science to this day. Another great legacy was his private art collection, which is exhibited in a brutalist building surrounded by parkland in the heart of Lisbon.