Het Oude Stadshuis

Visita autoguiada con juego interactivo de la ciudad de Nijmegen
En 2 horas, el sendero de la ciudad lo guiará por los mejores lugares de Nimega, mientras juega divertidos acertijos y tareas en su teléfono inteligente.
en, it, fr, es, de, +1 nl

Escape Tour autoguiado, desafío interactivo de la ciudad en Nijmegen
Descubra Nijmegen de una manera única: ¡encuentre pistas y complete el rompecabezas en una visita guiada por la aplicación de escape!
en, nl
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Un poco de historia
Het Oude Stadhuis or Old Town Hall, is one of Nijmegen's most important cultural highlights. Originally built in 1553, Oude Stadhuis is in reality part of a complex of houses built during the 14th century which was later extended and redeveloped by various Dutch architects such as Herman van Herengrave and Pierre Cuypers. Like many buildings of Nijmegen, Old Town Hall fell victim to WWII bombings and was later restored in the 40s and early the 50s. The complex boasts traditional Dutch architecture and is also famous for its medieval catacombs and historical torture chambers which can be visited today on a daily basis.