
Tour privado en patinete en Rotterdam
Pase dos horas agradables explorando Rotterdam con un patinete. Viaja con tu guía local privado para descubrir los aspectos más destacados de Rotterdam o sus gemas ocultas.
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Recorrido privado en bicicleta por lo más destacado de Rotterdam
¡Descubre todos los aspectos más destacados de Rotterdam en solo 3 horas en un tour privado en bicicleta! Descubra el Hotel New York y el Kop van Zuid, vea Market Hall, pase por las Casas Cubo y visite el infame Katendrecht.
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Tour privado por el barrio de Rotterdam Katendrecht
Explore la zona más controvertida de Rotterdam en un recorrido a pie privado. Aprenda sobre el antiguo barrio rojo de Katendrecht, visite el Hotel New York y visite una licorería única.
en, nl
Las mejores atracciones en Róterdam
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Un poco de historia
Katendrecht is a trendy and upcoming neighborhood in Rotterdam. Just a short walk from the city center, Katendrecht is filled with cute restaurants, cozy bars, and quirky shops. The area is a former village located in the south of Rotterdam between Rijnhaven and Maashaven. Katendrecht used to be famous as a red-light district, with entertainment for sailors and lots of immigrants and prostitutes. After some developments, within just a few years, Katendrecht developed into a thriving area.
The neighborhood, also known as De Kaap, is now one of the most trendy and lively places in Rotterdam. You find many local restaurants, bars, and ice cream shops in the streets of Katendrecht. A must-visit is the Fenix Food Factory, a market with fresh and locally produced products such as Rotterdam cheese, bread, and beers. It is a place where local entrepreneurs are gathered under one roof, selling their own local products. Famous in Katendrecht is theatre Walhalla, a small intimate theatre named after the infamous dancehall once located here.