Archeological Museum of Chania

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Pour la petite histoire
The Archaeological Museum of Chania is a time capsule of the island's rich past. Nestled in the history-drenched city centre, this house of culture proudly puts on display its whispers and tales of bygone eras, where its walls are soaked in a thousand stories.
Step back in time and unravel Crete’s vibrant tapestry. Each exhibition hosts an array of preserved artefacts, painting a portrait of the island's evolution. From Minoan pottery, shaped a millennia ago, to intricate and well-crafted Roman mosaics and Hellenistic treasures that gleam with an air of forgotten elegance. As you wander through its halls, you'll catch the echo of the past - the clank of a blacksmith's hammer, the war cry of a soldier, or the cheer of a merchant.