Strawberry Fields tickets and tours

Expérience visiteur Strawberry Field Liverpool
Visitez l'expérience Strawberry Field et profitez de l'exposition interactive, de la visite du jardin, du café élégant et passez une journée à découvrir les Beatles !
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Venez participer à une visite privée de Liverpool et visitez les principaux lieux liés aux Beatles et profitez de l'exposition Strawberry Field.
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Pour la petite histoire
Beyond a set of iconic red gates in Liverpool lies the place that inspired The Beatles’ hit ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’. It was in these gardens that John Lennon - who grew up a stone's throw away - went to play as a child. Nowadays, the hallowed site is home to an interactive visitor exhibition, a garden, a café and an on-site gift shop.
Strawberry Fields first welcomed visitors in 2019 and has already become one of Liverpool’s best Beatles’ attractions. Previously a Salvation Army children’s home for some of the city’s vulnerable youth, the place is a unique addition to Beatles tourism and a reminder of the band’s enduring legacy.