Ahmed Al Fateh Grand Mosque tickets and tours

Visite de la ville de Bahreïn au départ de Manama
Admirez l'Arbre de Vie, découvrez le parc Al Areen et rencontrez les habitants au souk de Manama.

Visite historique de Bahreïn au départ de Manama
Admirez la mosquée Al-Fatih, visitez le musée national de Bahreïn, découvrez le Bahrain World Trade Center.
Ces activités pourraient vous intéresser
Pour la petite histoire
If there’s one must-see while you’re in Bahrain, it’s Al Fateh Grand Mosque. Named after the founder of modern-day Bahrain, it holds over 7,000 worshippers – making it the biggest mosque in the country and one of grandest in the world. A true symbol of Bahrain’s rich Islamic heritage.
Built in Manama in the late 20th century and officially opened in 1984, the architectural masterpiece is an intriguing blend of traditional Islamic and modern styles. It’s made of white marble and is crowned with the world’s large fiberglass dome, which you can see from almost anywhere in the city.