Burg Square, Biglietti, attività e visite guidate

Visita guidata di Bruges (da Parigi)
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Tour autoguidato con gioco interattivo della città di Bruges
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Le migliori attrazioni di Bruges
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Un po' di storia
Historic buildings dating back to the 14th century and a cobblestone plaza are what best describe Burg Square. Perched in the heart of Bruges, this age-old plaza is the administrative centre of the city and has been accompanying its local citizens' daily lives for centuries.
A stone's throw away from Market Square, Burg Square is an ideal place to sit down for a warm drink, soak up the local atmosphere and admire the town's architecture. During the 9th century, the area became an important base of operations for the Count of Flanders, allowing it to thrive. Today, the square is the cultural soul of Bruges, surrounded by romantic canals and picturesque views.
A relaxing stroll or a horse-drawn carriage tour through this plaza lets you take a step back in time where you'll come across architectural wonders such as the impressive Gothic Town Hall, the Basilica of the Holy Blood and Saint Basil Chapel and the Provostry of Saint Donatian – textbook Bruges.