Heraklion Archaeological Museum Tours and Tickets

Biglietti elettronici e tour audio per le gemme minoiche di Heraklion
Goditi una visita al Palazzo di Cnosso e al Museo archeologico di Heraklion con un biglietto elettronico combinato e 2 tour audio sul tuo telefono
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Tour del Palazzo di Cnosso e del Museo di Heraklion da Chania
Goditi un tour del Palazzo di Cnosso e del museo di Heraklion da Chania a bordo di un veicolo di prima classe e rilassati durante una degustazione di vini tradizionali cretesi.
en, fr, de, ru, nl

Tour del Palazzo di Cnosso e del museo di Heraklion
Scopri il Palazzo di Cnosso e il museo di Heraklion da Heraklion a bordo di un veicolo di classe premium e goditi una tradizionale degustazione di vini cretesi.
en, fr, de, ru, nl
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Un po' di storia
Leaf through over 5000 years of Cretian history and Europe’s first advanced civilisation – the Minoans – at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum. The museum holds an impressive status that warrants a visit and is a great way to understand the island. Explore the 27 different rooms and exhibits inside to learn about everyday life as a Minoan – from colourful murals and frescoes, detailed ceramics and clay pots to their favourite sports and games. You’ll even see something that looks like chess.
Explore the symbols and legends of the Minoan era, including the sacred double axe and the bull’s head. Look out for the museum’s most prominent exhibit too – the Phaistos Disc. Join in to speculate what it’s for. The hieroglyphic carvings and images are a mystery that has yet to be deciphered. Meet the Snake Goddesses statues, the ladies that hold snaked in both hands in traditional costume, as well as a selection of impressive jewellery, in particular the gold bee pendant. It’s a showstopper.