Molinard Paris tours

Laboratorio privato di profumi presso Molinard Paris
Prenota un laboratorio privato di profumi alla Villa du Parfumeur Molinard di Parigi! Scegli tra quasi 100 essenze per comporre una bottiglia personalizzata da 75 ml della tua fragranza.
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Atelier des Parfums a Molinard Paris
Crea la tua fragranza con questo laboratorio di profumi a Molinard Paris. Dopo un'introduzione divertente e informativa al mondo del profumo, crea la tua fragranza da 50 ml.
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Laboratorio Le Petit Parfumeur per bambini a Molinard Paris
Prenota il laboratorio di profumi Le Petit Parfumeur per bambini 4-10 a Molinard Paris! Un'idea regalo o festa originale da condividere con diversi amici.
en, fr
Le migliori attrazioni di Parigi
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Un po' di storia
Immerse yourselves in the world of luxury fragrance at Molinard Paris – a renowned French fragrance house. Perfume enthusiasts can enjoy guided tours at Molinard to learn about the art of perfumery and the history of the brand. With over 170 years of experience, it’s become a symbol of French elegance and sophistication. The luxurious scents are crafted with the finest natural ingredients and attention to detail from classic floral scents to bold and exotic blends, Molinard Paris has something for everyone. Enjoy an immersive experience working with a professional perfumer to complete the steps and create your own bespoke scent to take home with you.