Old National Gallery tours and tickets

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Bilet wstępu bez kolejki do Starej Galerii Narodowej
Odwiedź Alte Nationalgalerie w Berlinie, jedno z najważniejszych muzeów w Niemczech, ze skarbami od klasycyzmu do francuskiego impresjonizmu.
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Relacja z pierwszej ręki
Berlin’s Old National Gallery, known in German as the Alte Nationalgalerie, is the city’s art gallery where visitors will enjoy Neoclassical, Romantic, Impressionist and early Modernist paintings.
It is found in the center of the city’s ‘Museum Island’ that is in fact an island that houses five of the city’s biggest and internationally recognized museums. The Old National Gallery was the building of the original National Gallery. Its works of art are however now held in several additional buildings, including the New National Gallery and others.