Greyfriars Kirkyard tours & tickets

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Relacja z pierwszej ręki
Known as the most haunted graveyard in the world, Greyfriars Kirkyard is full of dark and spooky stories to discover. With over 700 gravestones and over 100,000 people buried here – you’ll get to discover the gruesome people that lived and the characters that are part of Edinburgh’s history. Take your time wandering the ornate memorials and inscriptions.
Inside Greyfriars, you’ll get to see mortsafes, iron cages built over the graves so dead bodies weren’t stolen, and perhaps the most grizzly part of the graveyard – the George Mackenze mausoleum. Don’t get too close, his spirit is said to still haunt Greyfriars to this day. Other things to look out for are the Dancing Skeleton gravestone and the beloved Greyfriar’s Bobby. It’s not all spooky – this adorable dog sat next to his owner’s grave for fourteen years until he himself died.