Niepowtarzalne atrakcje
- Zaprojektowane przez nas – zaufanego lidera w branży turystycznej
- Prowadzone przez sympatycznych przewodników-ekspertów
- Wysoko oceniane przez klientów
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
W Musement dbamy o najlepszą ofertę, dlatego przedstawiamy Ci TUI Collection, zbiór wycieczek zaprojektowanych przez TUI, światowego lidera w branży turystycznej.
Tasty meze, music and dancing – this trip has all the ingredients for a right old Cypriot night. And if that wasn't enough, it all comes after a drink overlooking Aphrodite's Rock – birthplace of the mythical goddess of love. Alexia, one of our expert local guides, says, ‘At the taverna, you'll get together with the locals and feel their culture and dance. Nothing is better than the 100% authentic cuisine cooked by the women of the village, just like they cook at home.' Join us for a knees-up to remember in one of the area's most popular tavernas.
We'll kick off with a short drive towards Petra tou Romiou – as Aphrodite's Rock is known locally. Clink glasses at this mythical sea stack and enjoy the evening light while sipping on a sparkling wine. ‘A celebration in honour of the goddess,' as Alexia says. You'll then head to the village of Kouklia, a short drive inland from the coast, for a Cypriot dinner with a difference.
A first sight, it's a typical family-run taverna. You'll get to savour just about every Cypriot dish you could possibly wish for. The emphasis is on pure ingredients and traditional meze – cooked the way they've been for generations – washed down with local wines. But on summer evenings, the family takes over the street, hosting feasts of folkloric music and dancing. Let your hair down and join the locals with some boogying and shaking on the outdoor terrace. As nights out go, it's a showstopper.