Vyšehrad Castle tickets & tours

Zamek Wyszehradzki i twierdza 2,5-godzinna wycieczka z przewodnikiem
Odwiedź bazylikę świętych Piotra, Zamek Wyszehradzki, twierdzę i zwiedzaj ukryte podziemne kazamaty podczas 2,5-godzinnej wycieczki z Pragi.
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Vyšehrad Castle is a place of myths and legends in Prague, Czech Republic. Built sometime in the 10th century next to the Vltava River, this ancient fortified castle is home to many historic architectural treasures as well as a breathtaking view of Prague. In modern times, the castle has become a popular place for sightseeing and leisure.
Wander through the Vyšehrad Castle’s vast area to discover its secrets. Inside, you’ll find the Neo-Gothic Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul and the 11th century Rotunda of St. Martin, Prague’s oldest Rotunda. You also certainly can’t miss visiting the Vyšehrad Cemetery with its famous Slavín tomb where the top Czech celebrities are laid to rest.