Greece's grandeur echoes across The National Archeological Museum's halls.

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Ingresso para o Museu Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas
Maravilhe-se com os artefatos do maior museu arqueológico da Grécia. Veja a Máscara Mortuária de Ouro de Agamenon, o mecanismo de Antikythera, a Taça de Nestor, o Anel de Teseu e muito mais.
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Principais atrações em Atenas
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Um pouco da história
Greece's grandeur echoes across The National Archeological Museum's halls.
This museum boasts an illustrious legacy — a treasure trove of archaeological findings that would give Indiana Jones a run for his money. Just a stone's throw away from the Parthenon, in the heart of Athene’s historic district, this institution proudly puts on display a plethora of ancient Greek artefacts. As you enter the museum, you’ll be welcomed by halls filled with relics, bronze statues, mosaics and prehistoric artwork from all corners of the country. The National Archaeological Museum is ideal for anyone wanting to dive deep into Greece’s history. A place where a lively tapestry of cultural grandeur and the origins of the West are put on a pedestal for the world to see.