Strawberry Fields tickets and tours

Experiência do visitante no Strawberry Field Liverpool
Visite a experiência Strawberry Field e aproveite a exposição interativa, o passeio pelo jardim, o café estiloso e passe um dia descobrindo os Beatles!
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A experiência de luxo dos Beatles
Participe de um tour privado por Liverpool e visite os principais pontos relacionados aos Beatles e aproveite a exposição Strawberry Field.
Principais atrações em Liverpool
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Um pouco da história
Beyond a set of iconic red gates in Liverpool lies the place that inspired The Beatles’ hit ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’. It was in these gardens that John Lennon - who grew up a stone's throw away - went to play as a child. Nowadays, the hallowed site is home to an interactive visitor exhibition, a garden, a café and an on-site gift shop.
Strawberry Fields first welcomed visitors in 2019 and has already become one of Liverpool’s best Beatles’ attractions. Previously a Salvation Army children’s home for some of the city’s vulnerable youth, the place is a unique addition to Beatles tourism and a reminder of the band’s enduring legacy.