Classic whale watching tour in Reykjavík

Classic whale watching tour in Reykjavík

Free cancellation
Language: English
Availability: Daily
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: from 2 hours 30 minutes to 3 hours 30 minutes
Why you’ll love this…
  • Search for whales and Dolphins in Faxaflói Bay
  • Join expert naturalists and crew members at sea
  • Enjoy the stunning views from on board
What to expect

Would you like to discover the wildlife that occupies the sea around Reykjavik? If so, then, this is the tour for you!

You'll spend three hours at sea with an expert crew and specially trained naturalists as you search for whales, dolphins and other wildlife. Minke and humpback whales, white-beaked dolphins and harbour porpoises are some of the most frequently seen species and if you're lucky, you might even see killer whales, fin whales and sei whales. They're easiest to spot in the summer which gives us the chance to see them in their natural habitat while they're feeding near the shore but research shows that more and more are staying in the area all year round. One of the other highlights of this tour is the opportunity to see the incredible landscapes and views of the bay. It'll make your experience even more special!

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What's included
  • check Use of warm overalls
  • check An expert guide
  • check Free onboard WiFi
  • check Access to our Whale Exhibition

AEgisgardur 5c, Reykjavík, Iceland

Meeting point:
Please go to the ticket office at the Old Harbour in downtown Reykjavik where you can exchange your voucher for admission tickets and then you can meet the crew at the Visitor Centre a few steps down the pier.
What to remember
  • This is a wildlife excursion and as such sightings can never be guaranteed or predicted but in case that no whales or dolphins are encountered, you'll receive a complimentary ticket so you can participate in another tour (within 2 years) free-of-charge
  • Routes and itineraries may be altered by sailing from other harbours which could result in a slightly longer tour
  • Tours may be cancelled on short notice due to weather or conditions at sea
  • Onboard, you can borrow blankets and overalls for the duration of the tour
  • A pick-up service is available from selected locations for a fee, please contact your tour provider for more details
  • Check our 'Whale Diary' in the hours leading up to your tour for any additional updates
  • Please contact the tour provider if you have any questions or concerns
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Elding Adventures at Sea
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 48 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience


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