Akihabara anime and gaming adventure tour
Excursions & day trips

Akihabara anime and gaming adventure tour

Free cancellation
Language: English, Japanese
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: 3 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Enjoy some retro-gaming vibes!
  • Get some awesome vintage-style pics
  • Have a fun local experience
What to expect

Jump into the world of old-school video games in Akihabara! Head over to a retro video game store that is considered a treasure trove for game lovers, especially for those who grew up experiencing the rise of the Japanese video game industry.

Your Akihabara cultural experience will not be complete without a visit to a maid cafe popular spot for both locals and travelers alike, where you can hang out with cute maids, get literally enchanted food (they cast spells on it!) and take photos!

You can also enjoy a wide array of interactive Akihabara-style entertainment such as cosplay and wander around huge anime stores with hundreds of figures.

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What's included
  • check Entrance fee at a maid cafe
  • check One drink at the maid cafe
  • check Japanese photo booth experience (Purikura)
  • check Local guide

1 Chome Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, Japan

Meeting point:
Please meet at 1 Chome-17 Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, in front of the Ticket Office right outside of the Electric Town Gate of JR Akihabara station.
What to remember

Not suitable for:

  • Pregnant women and for travelers with back or heart problems

Not allowed:

  • Pets

Know in advance:

  • This experience is not wheelchair/stroller accessible
  • The guide is bilingual (English and Japanese)
  • The minimum drinking age is 18
  • Please note that the tour operator is unable to guarantee allergy-free or cater to dietary restrictions as the food is prepared in kitchens that do not belong to MagicalTrip. Additionally, there may be instances where substitutions are not possible at certain stops; however, the tour operator will make every effort to compensate at different stops throughout the tour

Remember to bring:

  • Summer in Japan is very hot and humid, so it is recommended that you bring water and wear a hat to prevent heat stroke
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MagicalTrip Inc.
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 24 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience


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